
Hong Kong-Australia Training in Case Management

November 19, 2011

Australian trainers Greg Miller and Kate Lheude delivered the 4th Multi-professional Case Management Program for Case Managers (Personalised Care Program for People with Severe Mental Illness) training program in November 2011. This two-week intensive course was delivered to 60 participants, whose disciplines ranged from nursing, occupational therapy and to social work.

The unique collaboration between AAMH and the Chinese University of Hong Kong continued throughout 2011 as our partners were invited to deliver a multi professional case management program for staff of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority.  The Hospital Authority is the national public health provider, currently managing 41 public hospitals and institutions in Hong Kong.

The new system of Personalised Care Programs aims to develop multi-disciplinary staff with the proficiency to work in community settings for clients with severe mental illnesses.  The new system also ensures continuity of care for clients by adopting a holistic approach to the person’s well-being.  Experienced trainers from St. Vincent’s Mental Health and from North Western Mental Health have worked with AAMHs Director of Training Margaret Goding to develop material and deliver the program alongside experienced and expert Hong Kong trainers. The training was co-ordinated by Professor Helen Chiu, Professor of Psychiatry (Clinical) & Chairman, Chinese University, Hong Kong.