Based on a mutual respect and trust, AAMH works at the national and provincial level with peak bodies such as the Institute of Mental Health at Peking University, and provincial bodies such as the Guangdong Institute of Mental Health.
Since the first formal collaboration between AAMH and China, there have been a number of significant projects, looking at a wide-range of mental health challenges affecting China.
China: A national program
AAMH and Peking University, both designated WHO Collaborating Centres in Mental Health, have since 2003 developed a model of bilateral collaboration that has resulted in significant advances in mental health policy, service development and now cutting edge research.
Service development in China: the 686 project
AAMH has been the principal international partner in the development of the “686” program, China’s national community mental health program.
Disaster response
Protecting Children in Disasters
Recognising the importance of addressing the special needs of vulnerable populations such as children, in 2007 AusAID’s Humanitarian Aid program supported AAMH and Peking University ‘s Institute of Mental Health’s program to protect the mental health of children in China post disaster.
Post Sichuan earthquake (2008)
The high level of trust formed through existing China-Australia partnerships facilitated a coordinated psycho-social mental health response to the Sichuan earthquake disaster.
Led by the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne, AAMH is now at the forefront of collaborative research programs with peak institutes in China.
Read about the Melbourne-Peking Centre for Psychiatric Research and Training
China: Guangdong
Building workforce capacity in Guangdong
Guangdong Institute of Mental Health and AAMH are working together to meet the enormous challenge of mental health service development in one of the fastest growing areas of the world.
The Guangdong-Melbourne Community Mental Health Working Committee
The Guangdong-Melbourne community mental health working committee was established in 2010 to oversee mental health workforce capacity building for the province. The committee has guided the development and delivery of annual training programs in Guangdong Province and study tours to Melbourne
China: Hong Kong
Since AAMH’s establishment in 2003, AAMH and the Chinese University of Hong Kong have partnered on a wide range of mental health service projects and programs aimed at skilling the mental health workforce in Hong Kong and China more broadly.
See more about our work in Hong Kong
Tripartite Program
AAMH, China, and Hong Kong are the three partners in this national training program for mental health across China.
Read further about this innovative program.
Case Management Training
The Hong Kong Hospital Authority awarded the tender for case management specific training for Hong Kong mental health professionals to AAMH and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010. The program has been delivered annually since that time. The partners were successful in winning the tender for a second time in 2013.
Read about some of the training being delivered in Hong Kong